Transitions Day

The final day for the Dental and Muscular-Skeletal Teams was treating all our friends from Transitions and some of their friends and family members.  It had been prearranged to treat patients from San Filipe again this year.  The ones that came were well remembered by the Dental Team as they suffer from cerebral palsy, which makes them especially challenging to work on as they have no control over their body movements, including the tongue and head.  The Dental Team got straight to work and finished simple cleanings for some patients and complex fillings for others.  Dr. Don Skei was in popular demand with the guys from Transitions that day.  Many spend several hours a day in their wheel chairs and do not get enough extension in their backs and necks.  He did several adjustments and the guys would roll out and exclaim to their friends how great it felt and how they were ready to play some basketball!  PT Maureen Gonzales was also very busy giving massages and explaining some basic exercises for the guys to do to help alleviate their neck and back pain.  After the day ended and everything was broken down we all stopped by the basketball courts in Antigua to watch the guys from Transitions play basketball.  This last year they took the championships for Central America, these guys know how to play and they aren’t afraid to throw elbows or fall down!  We were all impressed and it was a great end to a hard day of work.

One difficult case for the Dental Team
Go Team! Transitions members playing basketball.

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